Etherow Lodge Park
Etherow Park
Market Street
The Executive
Vision Statement.
Etherow Lodge park is a beautiful retreat incorporating a Victorian water garden, restored and developed by a partnership between residents, community groups and Tameside MBC to become a safe, welcoming accessible environment enjoyed by people of all ages. It has activities that compliment the tranquil and natural beauty of the surroundings, with space for people to enjoy quiet reflection, areas for children to safely play, dog walkers to enjoy a stroll and families to enjoy a picnic. The natural surroundings have been enhanced by the cooperative creation of a butterfly and wildflower garden. The history of the park and its wildlife provide an educational focus for individuals and groups of all ages. The open areas provide space for community groups to come together for celebrations and events ensuring that the park is a `hub’ for, and belonging to the communities it serves.
To act as guardians of the park working with Tameside MBC, to ensure that the park is safe and accessible to the communities it serves, assisting groups who wish to stage community events in the park
To promote and publicise the park and its benefits and to work toward the park being a hub for the communities it serves.
To work with Tameside MBC and the wider community to ensure that the park is developed in keeping with the natural surroundings, ensuring that the interests of wildlife are also upheld and the friends of the Park vision is carried forward.
To monitor the maintenance of the park, liasing and reporting to Tameside MBC.
To monitor future development interests in land on or adjacent to the park, reporting to Tameside and the wider friends group.
Take reasonable and appropriate action where external development interests may be a threat to wildlife and enjoyment of the park by the wider community.
To work with Tameside to seek and support funding bids, or gifts in kind for future developments in line with the vision.
To actively promote the park, as a venue for community use, events and nature study